Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The harder you push Left, the harder we'll pull Right.

    We as citizens know a universal truth that our elected representatives collectively seem to be willfully ignorant of; Budget bloat and uncontrolled spending are poison to our economy. The massive rate of the confiscation and redistribution of the earnings of our citizens coupled with unrestrained borrowing has become the catalyst for fraud, waste and abuse at the hands of those that have been elected to protect us. Politicians are awash in cash used mainly to curry favor with the movers and shakers that can get them re-elected. Taxpayers are funding lavish vacations (GSA), useless and defective armaments (F-22 and Osprey among others) and overpaying for public education (LAUSD, among others) while also being bled dry by the costs of 11 million illegal immigrants medical care, education and incarceration. Our government has become a bureaucratic nightmare to rival that of the Roman Empire or the Cold War era Soviet Union with levels of graft and corruption to match. 

     The Keynesian concept of increasing the dosage of poison to cure the patient of poisoning is the antithesis of logic and will lead us down the path of Greece, Italy, and France. The left here in this nation, along with the self-serving right, have wasted vast sums of our nations collective wealth on empty promises of alleviating the suffering of the poor, increasing our safety, etc with little to show for the money spent. Bridges to Nowhere, porous borders, and entire divisions of our government that sponge off of us like leeches while serving little purpose other than self-perpetuation have eroded the trust of the populace in our government. Massive bailouts, and corporate tax evasion have highlighted the political malfeasance and infuriated the citizenry, giving rise to the T.E.A. Party (Taxed Enough Already) and the aptly named Patriots that patrol our Southern border in the absence of our federal governments intestinal fortitude to do so. The need for politicians to appeal to the voters has created a limp-wristed government hell bent on being inoffensive. Political correctness has made the business of governance impossible while the ever increasing entitlements sector of our economy and interest on our national debt will soon preclude spending on anything else.

     In Europe, Germany has led the Austerity Movement as a way to stabilize the currency and keep the nations that are awash in red ink from dragging the rest of the continent over the cliff of insolvency. Greece, Spain, Italy, France and Portugal are being strong-armed to toe the line or risk being ejected from the European Union and its economic protections, and rightly so. These countries are being bailed out of decades of nanny-state socialism at the cost of many billions and substantial risk to the economic health of the stronger members of the 17 member alliance. The failure of socialism is evident despite the rantings of the proletariat, and as the weening from the government teat has commenced, the babies are crying. There is now a backlash and a socialist has been elected to run France and the leftists in Greece are defying the austerity measures. They have become so dependent upon the government that even a reduction in the number of paid holidays or a two year increase in retirement age sparks riots in the streets. 

    The path that we are on is unsustainable. As the worlds economic engine, we cannot continue to deny economic certainties and expect to remain so. At the end of this path is a global depression that will reset currency valuations and eliminate two centuries of American dominance. Our congressional leaders have become the ruling class that our forefathers warned us of. They have made a living of governance and protect their positions of power and privilege with layers of bureaucracy, rules and legislation. Term limits and a recalibration of the balance of power are needed. The current denizen of the White House, his cabinet, teams of advisers and multitude of "tzars" have proven to be inept and ineffective and have worsened the economic crisis we are in. Social divisions have been deepened, racial tensions have worsened and the national debt and unemployment have increased. Through the manipulation of statistics, the sympathy of the mainstream media, the Hollywood elite and many in academia, he is trying to make a case for re-election. If he ever had a plan, it has failed and he must go. If there were never any plan, if he is truly the "empty suit" academic he was charged with being in '08, then "the jig is up" and he must go. Either way, we need the "change" that he has spoken of, beginning with his office.